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Jen Stover
Jan 65 min read
Validation doesn't require complete understanding. Here's why.
We can authentically validate someone even when we don't fully understand them. Here's how.
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Jen Stover
Nov 11, 20246 min read
When Opinions Differ - How Do We Support Each Others Disappointment?
Differing opinions don't always have to separate us. Here's what you can say to bridge the gap when a disappointing outcome has a loved one
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Jen Stover
Nov 9, 202410 min read
Why Trump won - 6 Considerations Beyond Political Agendas
Recent US elections took many by surprise. But human behavior goes beyond political agendas. Check out 6 factors you may not have considered
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Jen Stover
Nov 8, 20245 min read
Embracing Active Grief: Navigating Loss and Finding Strength to Move Forward
We can't rush grief. It means we cared deeply about something and lost it. Here's how I know if I'm grieving in healthy and helpful ways.
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Jen Stover
Nov 7, 20244 min read
Relationship Repair: 4 ways to measure progress
Relational healing is about learning, unlearning, becoming and shedding. Here are 4 strategies that helped us see our progress.
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Jen Stover
Oct 2, 20248 min read
Subtle ways we foster distrust in our relationships and how to stop it
The healthiest relationships are the ones where you can bring all parts of ‘you’ into it: The smart you, the goofy you, the courageous...
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Jen Stover
Aug 27, 20246 min read
How can I rebuild trust? 6 tips that dramatically sped up our process.
Rebuilding trust is hard, Here's what helped us accelerate the process
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Jen Stover
Aug 2, 20246 min read
How a relationship can recover from a painful lie.
Relational repair after a lie can be tough. Here are some tips to accelerate your progress.
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Jen Stover
Jul 9, 20244 min read
Is AI helpful in Personal Growth? This human is not so sure.
Is AI helpful or harmful in personal growth? Here are some thoughts to consider.
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Jen Stover
Jun 24, 20244 min read
A Key Skill I had to Master to Overcome Anxiety.
Learn this fundamental element to getting long-lasting anxiety relief!
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Jen Stover
Jun 6, 20246 min read
How to Stay Connected to your partner through Shared Disappointment
Partners in a relationship can process difficult emotions differently. So here's what can you do to stay connected.
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Jen Stover
May 1, 20246 min read
3 Tips for when Triggers Interfere with Listening.
Emotional triggers can really interfere with connection when you're trying to listen to your partner. Here's what to do when it happens.
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Jen Stover
May 1, 20246 min read
How to stay Present and not 'zone out' when listening or speaking to a loved one.
Nothing blocks connection like the dreaded 'zone out' when you're sharing something important. Here's how to avoid it.
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Jen Stover
Apr 13, 20246 min read
The Expansion of Reality and the Importance of Acknowledging Differing Experiences
Explore how our understanding of reality has expanded and the value of acknowledging different experiences. How do we coexist while living..
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Jen Stover
Apr 8, 20244 min read
4 Symptoms of High-Functioning Anxiety I completely missed
Discover the subtle signs of high-functioning anxiety and what you can do to enhance your well-being and relationships
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Jen Stover
Apr 3, 20244 min read
Do you Rationalize or Contextualize your Hurtful Behaviors? Only one fosters Connection.
Learn the sequence and manner of explaining a hurtful behavior so you can repair upsets with your loved one more easily.
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Jen Stover
Apr 3, 20244 min read
3 Simple Words that help you Connect while Listening
This 3-word cue really helped me connect in my marriage. And it got my partner speaking up and sharing more!
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Jen Stover
Mar 17, 20244 min read
The Power of Self-Compassion: How It Transformed My Personal and Professional Growth
I used to believe that being hard on myself was the only way I could get things done.And it worked in many areas for much of my life until..
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Jen Stover
Mar 15, 20242 min read
How a Simple Acknowledgment can Build Meaningful Connections.
Sawubona isn’t only a polite greeting. It also recognizes the worth and dignity of the person you say it to.
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Jen Stover
Nov 20, 20236 min read
Staying Connected: interacting with Our Families as We Grow
As we head into the holidays, many of us may have a bit of trepidation about reconnecting with our family members.That's natural. And...
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Jen Stover
Nov 16, 20234 min read
The Meaning Behind 'Human Infusion Project': Why I Chose This Title
I was asked recently how I came up with “The Human Infusion Project” as a name or title for this platform. And I realized I had forgotten to
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Jen Stover
Oct 25, 20236 min read
The Recovery Road doesn't always end in 'Opposite' - sometimes it's just a rest stop.
Our final growth destination isn’t always the opposite of where we started – it’s somewhere in the 'Middle Zone'. We're just better equipped
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Jen Stover
Aug 30, 20235 min read
A description of Vulnerability that men can relate to
The word 'vulnerability' can make some men cringe. But here's an additional definition that they can relate to.
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Jen Stover
Aug 11, 202311 min read
The Difference between Emotional Suppression, Reinforcement and Non-Response
Emotional non-response is often confused with emotional suppression.But I now understand how different they really are
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