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About the Human Infusion Project 

Science is a fantastic tool for investigating and understanding our outer, physical world. Our intellects love facts and evidence. And science can help make our outer world appear more orderly and make human interaction a bit more predictable.


​Psychology is a great tool for investigating and improving our inner or non-physical cognitive world. But our emotions are tied more closely to our bodies than most of know. Through combining modern science with applied psychology practices, we can more fully develop ourselves, retrain our mind and refine our emotional nervous system and learn to enjoy life, create emotional safety, connect to other humans and thrive in communities.


​Spiritual Philosophy is practiced in many forms. But each one aims to connect our physical form to our natural essence or our energetic core. And in turn, it connects us to the natural essence of others, as well as to that larger universal 'web 'that all living creatures are a part of.


But for many of us, it can seem like we're stuck in either our outer world or our inner world, or we feel trapped in emotion or trapped in our intellect. Or if we seek spiritual influence, we struggle to consistently connect to our core essence or to even connect to what we see as our Higher Power.  At best, depending on the situation, we're forced to choose one over the other in order to meet our goals - thinking or feeling, intellect or emotion, caring or leading, objectivity or compassion, science or spiritual philosophy.

But what if we could combine them? What if we could learn to access creativity while thinking strategically? Or tap into our sense of compassion while innovating technically? What if we learned to access our more spiritual nature while creating marvelous, species-enhancing human tools? I believe we can do both, simply because... we are both. I believe that Human-Infused Intelligence - our core, life embracing, essential selves operating within an emotionally refined and moderated body and using our Whole Brain - could be the next step in our evolution.​ And those who are cultivating this skill will be our future leaders. But for many of us, our nervous system is quite 'upside down'. Instead of acting as an occasional physiological alert protecting us from real life threats, our 'survival' system has been conditioned to run constantly in the background. Our species fight-or-flight system was designed to operate intermittently, when we were charged by a sharp-toothed creature or a less evolved human came at us with a spear. For most of us, our everyday world isn't like that anymore. And neither are most humans. But because so many of us didn't have our emotional states differentiated and moderated while growing up, this raw, unrefined mind-body state is now a dysfunctional, raw and often non-relevant default system that directs our adult lives. Running in a state of near-constant emotional 'readiness' and represented by low-grade anxiety and chronic restlessness, this dysfunctional state has become so familiar, that it feels 'normal'. Fortunately, we are quickly peeling back layers of understanding about how our brains and bodies really operate, realizing that we can make changes to these systems. And science, is finally giving definition to what psychologists and spiritual philosophers have been talking about for centuries. So this is where I believe we need to begin. We can't optimally infuse and utilize the tools of our brains and bodies until we first get them strengthened and developed into a healthier, centered and more integrated state. The ultimate intention of The Human Infusion Project is to get you smarter about your brain and body - for a purpose. My hope is that as you learn to access your whole brain, recenter your emotional response system and revive your core nature, we as a unified collective, can create and be part of more globally-aware, essence-infused relationships in our homes, in our work and in our community.

So here's how I believe we can do it...

1. Increase your practical understanding about how the brain processes thoughts and beliefs, how the body processes stress and trauma and how our emotional nervous systems develop. This will increase your objectivity about your brain and body's operation, making it easier to challenge and manage your thinking and interrupt and replace unhelpful patterns. Solidify this learning by  learning skills you'll need along the way: body awareness and mental flexibility. Start learning now. 


2. Identify specific thought and belief patterns that have been unconsciously influencing any choices and behaviors that are not serving your current life and happiness goals. Rediscover your core values and set yourself up for success. I'll guide you through the steps. 


3. Implement consistent strategies to create new thought and belief patterns that support your goals, that align with your core values, and that strengthen and reshape your brain in healthy ways - effectively 'recalibrating' and refining your stress response system. Begin to direct your core values. Accelerate the refinement process by simultaneously working with your brain and body from multiple angles. I'll show you which strategies I’ve narrowed down and found to be most effective. 


4. Galvanize your daily self-development practice and amplify your revived sense of self through professional support and weekly small group mentoring (coming soon), continued learning and practice. Cultivate your new source of drive and learn to infuse your essential self into your daily habits, work and relationships through (future) Level II Mastermind courses.


  • Scientists call this process the Mind-Body-Environment connection. 

  • Psychologists call it Whole Brain Integration or developing Emotional Intelligence (EQ). 

  • Spiritual Philosophers call it 'waking up'.


I simply call it infusing who we really are into what we do, so we can live our fullest lives and contribute something meaningful while doing it. See our vision below.

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Copyright © 2020 The Human Infusion Project. All Rights Reserved. 

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